First, lay the stained baby bibs on a flat on surface, stained side facing up.Remove any remaining residue using a dry stiff-bristled brush.Next wet the stains with cool water and then apply a pre-wash enzyme stain remover to the stains until they are evenly covered.Use an old, clean toothbrush to rub the enzyme stain remover into the fibers of the fabric and then let it stand for 15 minutes.Work the stain remover into the stain and fabric by adding some water to the stained areas and gently rubbing the material together.Afterwards, rinse the bibs thoroughly with cool water.
To remove spots more effectively, you can use a different method against a specific kind of stain.
For protein stains which include breast milk and formula, wet the remaining stains on your baby? bibs with cool water and then apply a prewash enzyme stain remover to each stain.The enzyme stain remover will break down the protein and lift the stain.For persistent stains, apply a combination solvent or an all-purpose stain remover to the spot.Wash the bibs according to the directions on the care label.
To remove oily or greasy stains, first remove any excess from your baby? bibs.Next, sprinkle some cornstarch of talcum powder on the stained spot.The cornstarch or talcum powder will absorb the oil on the bibs.Let it sit for about 10 to 15 minutes and then scrape it off.Use a combination solvent or all-purpose stain remover on the stained spots and then wash according to care instructions.
If you are trying to get rid of fruit and vegetable stains on bibs, rinse your baby? bibs with cold water and then soak them in a one-to-one mixture of rubbing alcohol and water.If the stains come off, you can wash your baby? bibs as usual.If the stains persist, use a combination solvent or all-purpose stain remover and then wash following the directions on the care label.
If you want a more natural and baby-safe way of removing persistent stains, you can bleach your baby? bibs lightly by soaking then in a one-to-one mixture of white vinegar and water.Also, remember to use only mild laundry detergents to prevent your baby? skin from irritations.
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